Thursday, March 22, 2007

Belly Update

Alright Rae, you asked for it. :) Here's a picture of my expanding waistline. I think this picture makes me look small, but who knows.

We had the second ultrasound yesterday. Our boy is such a cutie! He's 1 lb 11 oz. As it stands right now, the tech said my placenta is still low and that I'd probably have to have another ultrasound, but I haven't heard anything from my doctor yet.
I also couldn't believe that they had 3-D. My cousin thinks he has my nose and Eric's mouth. It's amazing what they can do now!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


These couples days of beautiful weather have been fantastic! Eric and I went on a walk last night just to be outside. I've been making some changes in my life lately, and I fully realized how much I just need to enjoy each moment, each day and take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way.
Maybe it was pregnancy hormones, maybe the weather, I don't know, but lately I had the attitude that I was mad at the world. The littlest thing would irk me off. God has just opened my eyes to see that no matter what anyone else does, I choose my attitude and how I deal with situations that arise. I am thankful for such a patient Father who waits on my thick headedness and keeps revealing Himself to me. He sure is patient with my density!