Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Well, we finally got a puppy. He's the cutest little Jack Russell Terrier. He's seven weeks old, and he has the tiniest little legs. He loves to sit in our laps. His favorite location is sandwiched between Eric's leg and the arm of a chair. Just the cutest little puppy ever. Except when he decides to pee. I'm sure most of you know that Jacks are very intelligent dogs. Well Mugsy has decided that if we don't give him the attention he deserves, all he has to do is go into the living room and urinate on the carpet. Last night I had had enough. Eric was frustrated, I was frustrated, and Mugsy just wanted more attention. And those adorable puppy dog eyes are really hard to resist. You can feel your resolve to be firm melt away when he gives you that look and a little whine, saying, "I'm sorry, don't be mad at me!"

We have our work cut out for us. You don't really realize how much time and attention a new puppy can take. And by the time you do figure it out, it's too late. He's already won his way into your heart!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

So Many Babies!

Wow, so there have been a lot of babies born recently. Every time I go visit a cousin or someone who just had a darling little girl or boy, I start to think...."What if that was me?" I see the little bundle of joy, and see the radiant looks on mom and dad's face and imagine what it will be like when I am the one in the ugly hospital gown glowing at our own little miracle. Will he/she have red hair like his/her daddy? I hope so! And then I walk out of the hospital hand in hand with my wonderful husband, off to do whatever we have planned or whatever we need to get accomplished and it's so nice to be able to just go and do. No one else to get food, diapers, babysitter for. No bottles to forget, pacifiers to lose, smells to discern, tears to wipe. So no babies for us for a long time! I like it just the two of us! For now. :)

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

I'm Cold

I sit here in my office with a space heater blowing directly on my feet. I can truly say that I am tired of winter. I think the worst part of the transition to Spring is the mess winter leaves behind. Our driveway is one big mud puddle, and our yard isn't much better. I could handle it if it just happened once. However, every time it starts to look promising, we get another cold blast and snow to melt into puddles again. I just might go insane!

Friday, March 04, 2005


Thank you Jules! You hooked me into this crazy mess, and now people will suffer through my endless rants. Or they'll not read it. Either way, I can express myself! Go first amendment! Well anyway, I'm not sure whether it's worth the time to type what I'm thinking or not. Enjoy if you take the time! :)