Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Please pray hard. Eric found out yesterday that he has a job through the end of the year. After that, he's done. He has not heard from anyone on another job, so things are not looking that great. What a great way to welcome in the holiday season. Merry Christmas to us!

If you can pray for me also. I'm going through something really tough right now that I don't really feel like sharing, but prayers would greatly be appreciated.

Friday, November 11, 2005


It just hit me how quickly the holidays are going to fly by. Eric and I are going to Missouri for Thanksgiving in less than two weeks. I have a lot of work to get done before then! Three weeks after that, I will be returning to Missouri for my sister's graduation. After ten years of college, she's finally done!!! A week later, my parents will be coming out for Christmas. Why is it that in the one time of the year we want to slow down and spend a little extra time with family, that's when we make ourselves so busy that we can't even truly enjoy the time we do have? This Christmas emphasizes that so much more because my family is coming out Christmas Eve. We are spending Christmas day together, and the very next day, Megan leaves for London. One day together. That's all we have. It really makes me realize how good those families have it that live near each other. I don't take a minute I have with a sister or parent for granted.

Monday, November 07, 2005

My Weekend

Leaving work early isn't nearly as fun when you're leaving because you can't stop itching. Friday, I left work at 2:30 because my whole upper body was itchy. I went home and took a shower, hoping that it was something easily relieveable. However, as the evening progressed, the itching got worse. My mom and Megan had gone on a college vist to Goshen and came on over for the weekend, and Stefani came over from Perrysburg to enjoy some time with us. We went to bed at 12:30, and the itching was starting to creep down into my legs. At 2:30, I woke up itching so bad all over my body that I couldn't sleep. I thought maybe another shower would help, but when I got in the bathroom, I saw that my whole body - neck to ankles - was covered in hives. I was a bright red mess!
So shortly before 3 in the morning, Eric and I headed to the Montpelier ER. I was given three shots, one in the arm, and one in each butt cheek. Let me tell you, Eric was laughing at me trying to walk out of the hospital! The nurse said that rashes and hives like that are so hard to explain, I might never know what caused it. She gave me some follow up prescriptions, kept me for a half hour and then sent me on my way. My rear was so sore!!!! It hurt to sit at all on the ride home.
We got home at about 4 in the morning and I zonked out til 9. I was feeling better, so all us women headed to Grandma's for the day. It was a great day, but in the evening, I started to get itchy. My nurse aunt looked at my back and I had a poison ivy-like rash running across my back. It went away by the time I got home that evening, and the next morning it was running across my stomach, but went away by the time I was leaving for church. Who knows. I praise the Lord for it not being more severe than it was, but I'll be happy if it never happens again! :)

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


After taking a few minutes to let the chastizing work its full effect, I am finally posting again. I guess I don't post often because I just don't feel that I have anything interesting to say. Sorry! :)
I've spent the last week of evenings and even a full day and a half off from work painting. We are finally painting our bedroom, and it's really beginning to feel like our own home. We're finally putting "us" into our house. However, words of advice. If you have the chance to paint before you officially move in, do it! I have been painting around our bed frame, which is huge, and it's kind of hard to do. We have also been sleeping in our guest room. I tell you, I might be spoiled, but I'm used to a queen size bed. The guest bed is a full. I feel a bit cramped, not only cause the bed is smaller, but also because I have a wall on one side and our queen mattress shoved up on the other side.
I just want my normal, clean house back!!!
If anyone really loves to paint, feel free to join me! :) Just kidding.