Thursday, June 30, 2005

Too Hyper!

We took Mugsy to the vet on Monday. He is now an it. :) The poor thing had to stay overnight, and we were warned that he would have to wear a cone around his neck to keep him from licking the stiches. That was fine, no problem. When I went to pick him up, they said that somehow in the night he had managed to get the cone off his head and was chewing on it. Silly puppy. They claimed that he acted like he didn't know anything was different. Eric and I were relieved that he was doing well. Until we got home. Mugsy doesn't seem to realize that he needs to take it easy for a couple weeks, and just wants to play like normal. Since we were told not to play with him and get him excited, he gets into trouble to get us to pay attention to him. All he wants is for it to be normal, yet we won't play like he is used to. Poor thing! And he hates the cone. He manages to get it off every time we put it on. I'm ready to be able to treat him normally!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

That's Work!

Mom and I went apartment hunting for my sister on Tuesday. I had never had to look for a place anywhere, and I tell you what. That is hard work!!! We headed to Toledo for our first appointment at 10:00 and couldn't find the office building. We had to call them to give directions. The second was ok, they flat out said that they might not have any openings. So we headed to the third. Eh. Oh, by the way, Stefani had given us a great checklist so we could check all the things she wanted to know. None of the first three were overly great, plus, the third said Stefani had to let them know that very day if she wanted it or they would have to let it go to someone else. Talk about pressure!!
So Mom and I thought we would look at some she hadn't listed. We called one, and they didn't have any available. So we decided to head to the fourth. We had a lot of time to waste, and were getting frustrated. The fourth was nicer, however, why would any apartment complex put down hunter green carpet through the whole place???? What if you have red furniture? Stupid! So we had some more free time. We called another place, however they said that today was not a good day for them, could we come tomorrow?? No, no we can't. By that point, I told Mom that we needed to do something else for a while or we'd go nuts! We walked around a bookstore for a while, then went to find the last apartment. Maps aren't always right, just to let you know. The last one was nicer also. At that point, I was just ready to be home.
We got back to my house after 7:00, and Stefani called to see how it went. We were on the phone with her for at least three hours! It was a long day! Not something I would want to do any time soon again. :)

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Father's Day

I was talking to my mom the other day when we realized something. Mom is coming with Megan when she comes to live with us for the summer, and will be staying until Dad comes out for the yearly visit to Ohio. I was excited about them coming, and still am. However, I realized that they will be out here over Father's day. My wonderful father, poor man, will be in Missouri by himself. Four daughters, a son-in-law, and a loving wife, none of which will be there for him on his special day.
When Mom and I talked about this, she felt horrible, because she had been so excited to actually be able to be with her father for a Father's Day, yet realized she couldn't be in two places at one time. Eric even said, "So go home" to me. (Did I tell you I have the best husband?) :) However, since I am traveling that direction the very next weekend for a wedding, on the very weekend that my wonderful Father will be coming this way, I can't go for Father's Day. This stinks.
Why does it always seem that one weekend you will have absolutely nothing going on, yet the next, you have too many things and end up missing some of those things?

Friday, June 03, 2005

God is Great!

You know, it's been a great day! The Lord is really doing great things for my family right now. My sister finally got a job, and it's going to be close to me!!! My little sister will be here in 10 days to live with us for the summer, and she got a summer job too. And my other sister (yeah, I have lots of 'em) got her new car. Mom's Bible school went really well, and my husband is just wonderful! I think God is just trying to remind me just how much he cares for us and that in times of need, he is always there. Praise the Lord!!