Thursday, June 30, 2005

Too Hyper!

We took Mugsy to the vet on Monday. He is now an it. :) The poor thing had to stay overnight, and we were warned that he would have to wear a cone around his neck to keep him from licking the stiches. That was fine, no problem. When I went to pick him up, they said that somehow in the night he had managed to get the cone off his head and was chewing on it. Silly puppy. They claimed that he acted like he didn't know anything was different. Eric and I were relieved that he was doing well. Until we got home. Mugsy doesn't seem to realize that he needs to take it easy for a couple weeks, and just wants to play like normal. Since we were told not to play with him and get him excited, he gets into trouble to get us to pay attention to him. All he wants is for it to be normal, yet we won't play like he is used to. Poor thing! And he hates the cone. He manages to get it off every time we put it on. I'm ready to be able to treat him normally!

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