We had our last ultrasound yesterday. Our technician says that my placenta has finally moved up out of the way. That's quite a relief. No confirmation from the doctor yet, but I have an appointment tomorrow so she will likely just tell me tomorrow. I should be into the every-week appointments now. It just seems so hard to believe that I have only four weeks left.
Baby Smeltz also weighs 5 lb 10 oz right now. Eric and I had to laugh, because that is the exact weight that Noah (Baby's cousin) weighed when he was born, and Baby would be a week ahead of him in the timeline. Eric was rubbing it in that if he continues to gain at this rate, I could very easily have an over 8 lb baby! I didn't think that was all that funny.
This picture is his foot. She had a harder time getting good pictures this time because he's so much bigger. And he was definitely active. I keep getting the question of what happens if it is a girl, and I can honestly tell you, there is no possible way! I think the child would need psychology for a lifetime if so, because she would be equipped with the wrong parts.
5 Weeks and counting.........