Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Warm Weather (Finally!)

Friday I finally got out some of Kenneth's shorts since it was so nice. He really wanted to be outside with his Daddy.
This was his first feel of grass. I'm not sure that he really knew what to think.
He sat with his hands up the whole time, not letting them touch the grass.
But I know he's ready to be splashing around in Grandpa's pool in his swim trunks.


Kristen said...

Ha ha. I love watching kids experience grass for the first time. It seems they either are afraid to touch it or they just want to eat it. :o) So funny!!

brianandcourt said...

So... I just found out that you have a blog. I feel left out. :) I'm glad I have a place to check out new pics of Kenneth. Makenna loves looking at babies on my computer (lots of my friends with babies have blogs - she's been trained!), so we'll have fun looking at cousin Kenneth. :)