Wednesday, April 27, 2005


I was asked to sing a special on Sunday at church. That's fine no big deal. I will be singing by myself, which I don't normally do. I'm a harmonizer, so I usually sing with at least one other person and take an alto part. So I'm a little nervous about that. However, I'm realizing that there is a baby dedication (for my cousin) this Sunday. That means that there will be a lot of guests in church. My family will be there to hear me sing. (Add pressure here.) I've practiced the song once at the church with the mics and monitors, and I won't sing it again until first service, in front of everyone. There is a big difference between belting it out in your car and trying not to waver into a microphone! So please, feel free to pray lots for me!!!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Kendra, you have a beautiful voice. I'm sure you did wonderfully. :) Wish I could have been there to hear it! Love ya!