Friday, December 01, 2006

Me in All My Weird Glory

I've been tagged by Julie to list six weird things about myself. I'm not sure she knew what she was getting into when she asked that. :)

1. Even though I love sleep and hate getting up in the morning, I still wake up almost a half hour before I have to so that I don't have to rush at all in the morning. I'm usually ready and sitting around waiting til it's time to leave. Dumb, I know.

2. When I eat Cap'n Crunch w/ Berries cereal, I always eat all the berries first. I don't really like them, so I save the rest for last.

3. I have a bad habit of never folding laundry. I will get it washed and dried, and then leave it set in baskets for weeks, until I run out of baskets.

4. Rarely does a day go by that I don't talk to someone on the phone on my way home from work. I get bored while driving and have to talk to someone. I guess it's the big mouth factor. :)

5. I really can't stand for my food to mix on my plate. I don't like mixed flavors, and as much as people tell me that it all mixes in my stomach anyway, my taste buds are not in my stomach!!!

6. I will not eat most vegetables. I don't like the texture of most, and the taste of others. Including lettuce. And I'm not a big fan of condiments. Give me barbecue sauce, and that's about it. No mayo, no ketchup, no mustard.

Now you know how truly weird I am. I'm tagging Meri, Meggie Poo, and Roommate!

1 comment:

Megan said...

you are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO weird!!!