Thursday, August 09, 2007

Sleeping Patterns

Kenneth has taken to some weird sleeping positions. Here are a few examples.
Kenneth and Daddy napping.
How in the world can this be comfortable????? We kept trying to straighten his head, but it kept migrating back.


Kayla said...

HAHAHA!!!! That is great. I remember everyone saying, "Oh no, look how uncomfortable he is, fix him." And we would and he'd just move back. I finally started telling people, if it was hurting him, he'd be crying, not sleeping.

Kendra said...

I have said the same thing! People will say, "Isn't that uncomfortable for him?" or "Doesn't that hurt him?" He would let me know if it did. I like him to stay asleep if he is, and jostling him around to make him look more comfortable just runs the risk of waking him. :)

Rachel said...

Hey a kid has to sleep! I say better they sleep in a funny position than not at all! It looks like everyone is doing well!